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MMD > Archives > October 1997 > 1997.10.22 > 03Prev  Next

Violano Strings
By Dick Hack

The original strings used by Mills were steel and needed considerable
weight to tune them.  If working on a machine with the original unaltered
weight buckets, only steel will tune properly.

On the Violanos I have worked on, including my own, I have used wound
strings with gut core, but the lead in the weight buckets for the D and
the G strings must be melted out with a torch, and very small lead
pellets (shot) used to re-weight the buckets at the lighter weights
required.  I believe most restorers today use the gut core strings.

Dick Hack

(Message sent Thu 23 Oct 1997, 00:54:11 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Strings, Violano

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