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MMD > Archives > December 1996 > 1996.12.24 > 13Prev  Next

Re: Roll Repair Table
By John Phillips

Thank you everyone, for your comments on cutting surfaces and tools. As it happens my wife, Beryl, is a keen patchworker and I have had an eye on her circular fabric cutting knife for some time. The trick will be to sneak it away when she's not looking.

About two weeks ago she came back from a trip to the patchwork shop and said "They had these special plastic cutting mats on special at $5 each, so I bought a couple for my girlfriends. Do you want to see if they fit your roll repair thing?" I took one down to the basement and was staggered to discover it was _exactly_ the right length (to within a millimetre) for my repair table and was usefully wider than a roll. Should I decide to start using Terry Smythe's technique of trimming along the edges this mat will be ideal.

BUT --- I'm still worried about the tape adhesive right at the edges of the roll causing successive turns of the roll to stick together. I suppose no comments on that means no one has had any really bad experiences of that nature. All the same, I'm going to proceed very carefully.

Yes, Terry, I will try to make some photos of the roll table available. This may take a week or three because most people take some summer holidays here in Australia just after Christmas, and I'm going to need some help. But it will be done eventually.

John Phillips.

(Message sent Tue 24 Dec 1996, 05:24:56 GMT, from time zone GMT+1100.)

Key Words in Subject:  Repair, Roll, Table

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