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MMD > Archives > February 1997 > Contents of Digest 1997.02.15Prev  Next

01 Introduction Charlie Hind
02 Introduction David Simon
03 Introduction Michael Sands
04 Introduction Rich Marschner
05 Music Arranged for Mechanical Instruments Robbie Rhodes
06 Siegfried's Mechanisches Musikkabinett Hauke Marxsen
07 No Music Box People? Brian Forster
08 1886 Music Box Plays "Chop Sticks" Beatrice Robertson
09 Help Identify Musical Box Brian Chesters
10 Seek Music Box Repairs Ken Gorski
11 Hi-ASCII Characters in MMD Richard Vance
12 Editors Comments Ron Yost
13 Midi Files of Music Rolls Joe Perone
14 MMD Subscriber Demographics Dean Randall
15 MMD Subscriber Demographics Wolfgang Brommer
16 MMD Subscriber Demographics Marty Roenigk
17 MMD Subscriber Demographics Karl Petersen
18 MMD Subscriber Demographics Larry Lobel
19 MMD Subscriber Demographics John Musselwhite
20 MMD Subscriber Demographics Bill Boulton
21 MMD Subscriber Demographics Dan Wilson
22 MMD Subscriber Demographics Michael Woolf
23 Crude Oil for Piano Finishes Robert Linnstaedt
24 Crude Oil for Piano Finishes John A. Tuttle
25 Leather Supply House Ron Schmuck
26 Bellows Leather Debbie Legg
27 Ampico A Motor Switch Michael Waters
28 Pianola Spring-Motor Michael Waters
29 Autopiano Horror Story Karl Ellison
30 FS: Book "Art of the Organ", Audsley Karl Petersen

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