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MMD > Archives > February 1997 > 1997.02.26 > 03Prev  Next

Telephone Codes in UK
By Phil Benson

In MMD 970225, Douglas Rhodes wrote:

> In MMD 970222 Dean Randall asked whether Fletcher & Newman piano
> parts supply house still exists in the UK. They do. To telephone
> or FAX from North America, these numbers have worked for me:
> Tel: 011 44 1322 226441 FAX: 011 44 1322 278978
> (If calling from the UK the 1322 prefix becomes 0322)

Well, it used to, sort of. Except for mobiles and special access numbers, UK national dialing codes now begin 01, so 1322 actually becomes 01322. To call from abroad simply omit the "0". This applies to all calls, including mobiles. Mind you, UK residents would have known that, so I suppose this message is a little spurious except where a special code has taken over a previous national code. Thankfully, this hasn't happened often. The full numbers as listed by Douglas are, of course, correct.

By the way, when will North America join most of the rest of the world and use "00" as their international access code?

Phil Benson

(Message sent Wed 26 Feb 1997, 14:56:22 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Codes, Telephone, UK

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