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MMD > Archives > September 1997 > 1997.09.19 > 17Prev  Next

Selling the Herbert Hoover Piano
By Jim Edwards

[ Allan Silver wrote in MMDigest 970916 that he must sell his Ampico
 [ piano formerly owned by U.S. President Herbert Hoover.

Sorry to hear that you will be disposing of what appears to be a most
exceptional Ampico piano.  The condition of the case and what will be
necessary to bring the piano and reproducing system back up to factory
specs is certainly an unknown factor for any buyer.  Since the piano is
a celebrity piano (I presume the owner has documentation to prove
ownership), it is worth far more than a sister piano without a pedigree.

At first thought, perhaps the Herbert Hoover Library might be interested
in the piano, or the Hoover home in Iowa might be redone as an historical
residence.  It would be super if the piano could go home again.

I suggest that you try to interest a reputable auction gallery in taking
on the piano as an item in one of their auctions where there is a pub-
lished catalog sent out to ritzy customers.  You will pay a fee, but in
the long run this will probably get you top dollar.

If you are in the Chicago area, I recommend the Lislie Hinman Gallery.
In other locations, you might try Christie Galleries.  It is best to sell
the rolls separately.  A matching bench and roll cabinet will certainly
drive up the final price for the  winning bidder.

Best of luck.

Jim Edwards

(Message sent Fri 19 Sep 1997, 12:18:30 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Herbert, Hoover, Piano, Selling

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