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MMD > Archives > November 1997 > 1997.11.19 > 10Prev  Next

Introduction & Ampichron
By Bob Carter

Hi,  I have been a reader for over a year, but have never introduced
myself.  I am a retired communications engineer and collect and restore
crank phonographs, tube radios and player pianos.  My Chickering Ampico
led me to Jeff Davis and a restoration.  Then I added 5 more players
and got Jeff to take me under his wing as a novice.  After two years
and many gallons of hot glue it's starting to make sense.  I also
install PianoDisc and Pianomation, having started with Pianocorder many
years ago.

I read the comments on installation of the Ampichron in a B drawer.  I
have been working on the installation of a reproduction Ampichron for
about 6 months off and on.  The reproduction builder never finished the
clock, or installation instructions.

It takes a complete understanding of the working of the drawer parts
prior to starting.  Space is valuable, and many original parts have to
be moved, modified or replaced.

Wiring is critical -- to be safe, connections should be in a metal
box in the drawer.  The two-wire drawer switch lead on the left is
changed to a three wire lead so that power is provided to the clock.
The clock we received would not fit in the drawer without some
modification to it.  I have tested out all the original drawer
functions and now am ready to try the clock.

I have to agree with Bruce.  Why would any one want to put it in?
Must have been the challenge!!!!

Bob Carter

(Message sent Thu 20 Nov 1997, 01:26:49 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampichron, Introduction

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