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MMD > Archives > September 1998 > Contents of Digest 1998.09.17Prev  Next

01 Vacation Jazz Cruise Robbie Rhodes
02 Hand-Cranked Organs.... Here's Where They Play Frank and Shirley Nix
03 Deansboro Auction Bill Ryan
04 Picturolls [Filmusic] Darrell Clarke
05 Filmoplast sources in Australia Darrell Clarke
06 Ballpark Value of Silent Movie Rolls Rick Inzero
07 Seeburg Piano with Stained Glass Front
08 Crank-organ Entertains Mountain Climbers Bill Finch
09 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' Michael Woolf
10 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' John Farrell
11 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' Jim Canavan
12 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' Frank Himpsl
13 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' Matthew Caulfield
14 Seek Dates of 'Barcelona' & 'I Miss My Swiss' Bill Ryan
15 New CD of Wurlitzer 165 - WoW from Me Too! Tim Rickman
16 New CD of Wurlitzer 165 Marc Elbasani
17 New CD of Wurlitzer 165 Bill Finch
18 Duo-Art Rollography John Farrell
19 Duo-Art Rollography Larry Lobel
20 Duo-Art Rollography Jack M. Conway
21 Roll Catalogues in PC data Format Richard Stibbons
22 Bibliography of Rollographies Matthew Caulfield
23 Seeking Source for Blotting paper Damon Atchison
24 Wanted: 11 Inch Music Box Movement Jeffrey Hunger
25 Wanted: Red Welte Action Waldemar Raad
26 Organ Blower Needed Steve McCollum

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