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MMD > Archives > May 1999 > 1999.05.10 > 06Prev  Next

Clark versus Capitol Music Roll Arrangements
By George Bogatko

> Wurlitzer arrangements are, well, Wurlitzer: Speil der Tune und
> shalacker der Percussion.  ;-)

Robbie commented:

>[ Does that translate as, "Emphasize the melody and slaughter
>[ the drummer?"  ;-)

No, it's pidgen German for "just play the tune and hit the drums a lot"

>[ The Wurlitzer staff arrangers were mostly European immigrants,
>[ at least until around 1923, and I believe that these fine musicians
>[ tried to preserve the performing style of the European orchestrions.

Here I would disagree.  Arrangements for the Wurlitzer PianOrchestra
are undoubtedly arranged with due care for the instrument and what it
can accomplish.  The Wurlitzer APP rolls I've heard, when compared to
Capitol rolls, are lame.  They sound like run-of-the-mill band organ
arrangements.  Capitol rolls are _jazz_ rolls.  They, more than
anything else, give you that in-your-face Roaring 20's feel.  The
competition just comes off as heavy foot thumping.

Another way of putting it is that when you put on a Capitol roll,
(not a composite, but a real period roll), it sparkles from start
to finish.  All the others make you wait for the good parts.  Why?

Lay On!!

George Bogatko

(Message sent Mon 10 May 1999, 15:58:23 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Arrangements, Capitol, Clark, Music, Roll, versus

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