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MMD > Archives > January 2000 > 2000.01.22 > 14Prev  Next

Repairing Plastic Musical Instruments
By Jim Cook

[ In 000119 MMDigest Mark Kinsler wrote about fiberglass Sousaphones,
 [ and I commented that it's easier to have brass horns repaired when
 [ accidents happen while traveling.  -- Robbie

Most any decent boat or body shop as well as companies that specialize
in home built composite airplanes should be able to handle fiberglass
and resin repairs.

Epoxy resin will work over just about any structural resin for repairs,
and it is just a matter of filling any cracks or dents w Glass and
epoxy resin.  It is much easier than trying to straighten a stretched
piece of metal.  Just patch it, sand it smooth and paint it to mach the
rest.  A piece of cake.

Since I have built boats, done body work and repaired airplane cowls
and tip caps, as well as building composite model boats and airplanes,
I can speak with some experience.

Jim Cook

(Message sent Sat 22 Jan 2000, 04:09:30 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Instruments, Musical, Plastic, Repairing

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