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MMD Email Publication Suspended Temporarily
By John A. Tuttle

Hi All,  When the MMD stopped showing up on Feb 3, 2001, I naturally
figured that both Jody and Robbie were too busy with other matters to
get the publication out.  So like most other people, I just waited

When it didn't show up after five days, I went to the MMD website
to see if there was a notice or explanation of some sort.  Having
found no such notice, I wrote to Jody.  Later that day, Robbie replied
and told me the email delivery had been temporarily suspended and that
I could get my daily 'fix' by going to the Archives and accessing the
'most recent issue' link, which I did.

I couldn't help but notice that since Feb 3, 2001 the number of
articles being submitted has dropped off considerably.  My hunch is
that since the MMD wasn't arriving daily, people had nothing to respond
to or write about.  (Imagine how much news you could get if all the
electricity were suddenly turned off and you had to go to the news
stand to buy a newspaper.)

What has me a little confused is why the editors decided not to say
anything about this change (though stated as temporary) before the
fact.  It seems it would have been easy enough to add a simple article
at the head of the publication which alerted readers to the impending
change, thereby eliminating any need to ask questions at a later time.

As one who believes that the MMD is the strongest single bond between
all of its members, I'm curious to know what happened, why it happened
and what steps are being taken to prevent it from happening again.
But, since the MMD is a free publication, the editors are under no
obligation or pressure to say or do anything except what they deem
necessary or proper.  I do know that producing and delivering the MMD
on a daily basis is costly and time consuming.

Therefore, I suggest, once again, that the editors consider charging
for the publication and obligating themselves to its production and
delivery.  As has been said before, All Good Things Must Pass.
Perhaps it's best to put an end to the 'Free Ride'.


John A. Tuttle

 [ I'm sorry that I don't have answers for your questions, John.  The
 [ problem lies with the subscriber list and the automatic mail program.
 [ I had no advance warning that transmission would be suspended.
 [ Obviously, subscribers who don't know about the MMD Archives cannot
 [ learn about the problem via the email Digest, but I am replying by
 [ private email to all who inquire, as you did.  I hope the email
 [ transmissions will resume soon.  -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 9 Feb 2001, 15:44:02 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Email, MMD, Publication, Suspended, Temporarily

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