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MMD > Archives > October 2001 > 2001.10.05 > 01Prev  Next

Piano World, St. Louis MO
By D. L. Bullock

Hello to all -- I'm baaack!  I spent the last year mostly away from
MMD.  I am not peeved with anyone, I just have been through the mill,
namely moving the whole piano shop, moving all the storage, and
getting the shop up and making money again.  I have also been trying
to get the new showroom up and making money.  All has been done
except the showroom part.  I am making headway on that.

I began moving the shop in October 2000.  It was about six months
before it was back to operability with dry room and all.  It took
10 months to get the roof on my new digs repaired to the point that
I could repair the ceiling enough for a nice looking, dry showroom.
I did not finish actual moving of everything until July.  During all
that I have been through three Internet service providers.  The present
ISP, and hopefully for the future, is ATT: <>

I have not been able to get Andy Taylor to answer my emails.  I have
lost his phone number.  Can anyone furnish me with it?  I have found
a very nice top-gutted tiger oak Foster player I think he might want.

I have also been busy putting together my web site.  I went through
three web builders and no one could give me what I want.  I finally
found one that worked.  I am still not happy with everything about
it, but I am working toward getting all the construction sites filled.
The basic site is up and running.  Do not bother to visit for images
yet.  I am building those pages this week.  I will put up shop images
that may show the scope of what all we do here at piano world.  When
all this is up and available to you I will announce it here on MMD.
I also have a complete inventory of available instruments that will
eventually be up on the site.  That I will also announce when it is

We are building copies of original player piano and reed organ benches.
We will have those up on the site as soon as we get photos processed.
These benches are the ones that have a permanent slant top and no music
storage area.  They will be in a variety of woods. They will be only
slightly higher than readily available new piano benches.  However,
ours are built to last like the originals did.  Most catalog benches
are pretty flimsy.

We are also building replacement reed organ tops.  We will have a low
priced version and an "over the top" (so to speak) version that will
not be low priced.

We have a new address and new email and all new phones, so if you need
us see the info below.

D.L. Bullock
Piano World
2732 Cherokee
St. Louis MO 63118
tel.: 314-772-6676

 [ Welcome back, and best wishes for success with your new showroom!
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 5 Oct 2001, 04:19:49 GMT, from time zone GMT.)

Key Words in Subject:  Louis, MO, Piano, St, World

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