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MMD > Archives > February 2003 > Contents of Digest 2003.02.13Prev  Next

01 Small Barrel Reed Organ Brad Jones
02 Gold Label Music Box Company Matthew Caulfield
03 Gold Label Music Box Company Vincent Morgan
04 Ken Caswell Pierian CDs of Welte-Mignon Rolls Albert Petrak
05 Menzenhauer Guitar Zither Pat Daddona
06 Diana Roll 1746 "El Sobre Verde" Robbie Rhodes
07 Bigger Pianos Aren't Always Better Pianos Randolph Herr
08 Mortier Vibraton Pipes Philip Jamison
09 Mortier Vibraton Pipes Hans van Oost
10 Mortier Vibraton Pipes Michael Woolf
11 Sparking of Ampico B Spool Drive Motor Bob Taylor
12 Sparking of Ampico B Spool Drive Motor A. B. Bonds
13 Replace Artrio-Angelus With Solenoid Player D. L. Bullock
14 Schematic for PPCo Electronic Motor Speed Control Larry Emmons
15 Seek Repair of Pianomation Prototype Devon Hollingsworth
16 Seek Gear for Welte-Mignon WM-1 Spool Frame Brett Rankin
17 FS: Piano Rolls in Tasmania John Phillips
18 FS: Pleyel Player Grand Piano in Connecticut Herb Lindahl

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