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MMD > Archives > February 2005 > 2005.02.22 > 05Prev  Next

Piano Roll Dreams: "The Rosary"
By Larry Norman

I used to be a collector of player piano rolls, with such an insatiable
appetite for them that I bought whole collections, sometimes sight

I remember one time I had bought such a collection and was going to
pick it up in a few days, and the night before I had a dream that when
I picked up the collection and looked at the rolls, all the rolls were
copies of "The Rosary", just hundreds of them.  Of course when I picked
up the collection the next day, they were a nice collection of rolls.

One day I was talking to Dick Carty, who sometimes sold me collections
of rolls that he got in his player piano shop, and I happened to mention
the bad dream.

Well, several months later, he called and said he had a fantastic
collection of Duo-Art rolls for me and to come right away.  I got to
his shop, and there in the middle of the room sat a box of Duo-Art
rolls, and as I got closer to examine them I noticed that they were
all "The Rosary."  Dick Carty had quite a grin on his face.  I suspect
he must have called everyone he knew and bought every copy in the Los
Angeles area.

Anyway, he did have a nice collection of Duo-Art rolls for me, but he
still made me pay for the box of "The Rosary" rolls.  So, sometimes
your nightmares can come true.

Larry Norman, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
The grass is starting to turn green and maybe we may not have any
bad winter snow storms?

(Message sent Tue 22 Feb 2005, 14:16:02 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Dreams, Piano, Roll, Rosary

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