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MMD > Archives > May 2005 > 2005.05.31 > 07Prev  Next

Coney Island Carousel & Band Organ At Auction?
By Bill Luca

A posting on the board of Coney Island USA suggests that the B&B
Carousell on Surf Avenue, which is home to a beautiful Bruder Elite
Apollo/BAB organ, is to be auctioned, possibly as early as today.  Since
it is a very last minute rumor, there's a lot of panic afoot.

If true, it would appear that the sale was planned to be sudden and
relatively secret, most likely for the purpose of circumventing the
howls of protest that are certain to arise.  The B&B machine is the last
operating antique wooden carousel at Coney Island.  This was owned by
James McCullough (there's that name again), who ran carousels with the
Tilyous for decades at Coney Island.

Check the website:

Bill Luca
Salem, MA

  [ One could almost guess that after the sudden death of the partner
  [ who really loved the B&B Carousell, Mike Saltzstein, on July 4,
  [ 2001, that the operation wouldn't be the same in the hands of Mike's
  [ more silent partner, Jimmy McCullough.  It takes a lot of love to
  [ maintain a merry-go-round.
  [ --Editor

(Message sent Tue 31 May 2005, 14:00:05 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Auction, Band, Carousel, Coney, Island, Organ

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