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MMD > Archives > January 2007 > 2007.01.21 > 04Prev  Next

Synthetic Glues and Sealants
By John A. Tuttle

Hi All,  They say that "Experience is the Master", and while
I've had lots of experiences that taught me a lesson, I had another
unpleasant experience this morning that taught me another lesson.
Also, there's a faint possibility that the lesson ties in with
another current thread.  So, I'll throw it out for fodder.

No doubt, the vast majority of you who live some other place than
New Jersey don't know that 2006 was the warmest year on record in my
state since New Jersey started keeping records.  That being the case,
I neglected what had become the habit of taking my "Glues and Sealants"
box out of my road work vehicle before the first real "freeze" --
which happened two days ago.

This morning, as I was preparing to go on a road call, I opened the
trunk and basically cursed at myself when I saw the box sitting there.
I knew full well that virtually all of my synthetic glues and sealants
were destroyed.  So, I brought the box inside to see how much damage
had been done.  As I reluctantly expected, the only two products that
survived the freeze were the Franklin Hide Glue and the two-part epoxy.

Everything else was garbage!  All of the synthetic glues and sealants
had either separated or become so completely congealed that they were
unusable.  Thankfully, I had all of the same products in the house,
so I just threw out the worthless stuff and put replacement products
in the box.

But it got me to thinking about this hide glue verses synthetic thread
that has been going on for a week or better, and since no one else has
touched on the problem of what happens to most synthetic glues and
sealants when they freeze, I thought I'd throw it into the mix.  Then
I thought about the factories of the olden days and wondered, did they
keep them heated 24/7/365?

John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA ("Baby, It's Cold Outside!")

(Message sent Sun 21 Jan 2007, 15:50:10 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Glues, Sealants, Synthetic

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