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MMD > Archives > June 2007 > 2007.06.23 > 01Prev  Next

Vocalstyle "Old Favorites" Series Rolls
By Tom Hutchinson

In response to Jeffrey Wood's request for info on Vocalstyle rolls,
I have a 1926-27 Vocalstyle catalog and it lists four rolls in the
"Old Favorites" series: numbers 10570, 11211, 12504 and 13300.

I have over 110 Vocalstyle rolls but none of the above.  However I do
have three of the eight Minstrel Series rolls, numbers 3, 5, and 8.
These are not the type of music I prefer or that I collect, so if any
one would make a reasonable offer I would sell them.  Each roll and box
will be repaired where needed and played to assure the buyer that it
plays perfectly.  I will sell to the highest bidder.


Tom Hutchinson

(Message sent Sat 23 Jun 2007, 18:24:08 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Favorites, Old, Rolls, Series, Vocalstyle

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