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MMD > Archives > March 2008 > 2008.03.29 > 01Prev  Next

"Aeriola" Push-up Player in Australia
By Ian Comer

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Our local museum owns an "Aeriola" push-up player with hook
attachments that secure the cabinet to the piano.  The compass is 65
notes and it plays orthodox player rolls that fit into a normal roll
holder; an example is made by "Meloto Co Ltd".

We found the number "325" on the inside of the lid, but this seems to
be a part number, or a subcontractor's i.d. number.  We cannot find a
serial number, or a likely year or place of manufacture.  We are trying
to date this instrument -- does anyone have info on this, please?

Apparently the Aeriola name was bought by J W Jenkins Music Co, of
Kansas City, but the trail runs dry at that point.  Any help about the
likely date of manufacture will be a great help.

Our museum is the Redlands Museum, Smith Street, Cleveland, Queensland,
AU 4163, a local regional museum owned by the public of The Redland
Shire and supported by Rotary, amongst others.  It is small but wins
many awards for presentation and quality.  We have seven organs, all
of historic worth, and one Aeriola.  We are now examining the Aeriola
to assess what needs doing.  It is in excellent order but has been
repaired in the past by amateurs.

Kind regards,
Ian Comer, Restorer

 [ Maybe the Aeolian "Pianola" was called the "Aeriola" when it was
 [ sold in Down Under.  -- Robbie

(Message sent Sat 29 Mar 2008, 23:50:38 GMT, from time zone GMT+1000.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeriola, Australia, Player, Push-up

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