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MMD > Archives > December 2018 > 2018.12.29 > 03Prev  Next

"Undiscovered" Mechanical Music Instruments
By Don Teach

There have been several nickelodeon pianos show up recently on
Facebook Marketplace offered by descendants of the original owners.
A Nelson-Wiggen keyboard model in a two-tone finish showed up as
a regular player piano but it was actually a coin operated player
using the style A coin piano roll.

Several Seeburg pianos showed up in the past year.  One is on Facebook
Marketplace now that the Player Piano Enthusiast Facebook page has been
discussed.  A gutted Coinola X in Missouri has shown up several times
on different Facebook pages.

Many reproducing pianos seem to appear almost weekly.  Of note, there
is a Model B Ampico in a six-foot four-inch art case Knabe, as well
as Model A Ampico for sale in rough condition for one hundred dollars.
That's two different Knabe pianos; the 6' 4" was priced at $6500 with
a thousand rolls.

A couple of years ago a Coinola C2 with pipes and drums was located
on Craigslist priced well below the market value.  It had been used
by the lady's late husband for the music for barn dances.

A gutted Peerless that I had never seen an example of is in the New
Orleans area.  So, yes, there is a good chance you might still find a
nickelodeon in the original location.  I know of two Seeburg E models
that were found in the past two years.

Somewhere in Oregon there is a Seeburg G sitting in a man's garage, or
there was up until a few years ago.  I recently bought just the glass
out of a Seeburg G that a woman had had a cabinet maker install in her
China cabinet.  An Encore Banjo surfaced and was quickly bought by an
astute collector.

Now if only I could find a Coinola CO for myself.

Don Teach
Shreveport, Louisiana

(Message sent Sat 29 Dec 2018, 22:43:30 GMT, from time zone GMT-0600.)

Key Words in Subject:  Instruments, Mechanical, Music, Undiscovered

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