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; ; ; Copyright 2002 by Walter Tenten ; ; First all notes are extended by 6. ; Thus they will overlap in places where bridging is present. ; ; The second section will remove any overlapping notes ; and merge them into single events. ; ; (do (do (word CurrentKey 13) ; Ampico starts at Note 16! (word ExtendedNotes 0) ; Maximum of 2**16 (word DeletedNotes 0) (word wNoteNumber 0) (word wChan 0) (word wKey 0) (word wVel 0) (long lDur 0) (dword dTime 0) (dword dNoteEnde 0) (while (< CurrentKey 115) ; Ampico ends with 113 (do (message "CurrentNote: " CurrentKey " Extended Notes: " ExtendedNotes) (forEachEvent (if (&& (== Event.Kind NOTE) (== Note.Key CurrentKey)) (do (= Note.Dur (+ Note.Dur 6)) (++ ExtendedNotes) ) NIL ) ) (++ CurrentKey) ) ) (pause ExtendedNotes " Notes Extended.") ) ; Ab hier Unlap/Merge (do (= CurrentKey 13) (= wNoteNumber 0) (while (< CurrentKey 115) (do (= wNoteNumber 0) (message "Working on Note: " CurrentKey) (forEachEvent (if (&& (== Event.Kind NOTE) (== Note.Key CurrentKey)) (do (++ wNoteNumber) ;; (pause "Working on Note: " wNoteNumber) (if (!= wNoteNumber 1) ; First Note ? (do ; No ;;; (pause wNoteNumber ".. EventTime =" Event.Time "dNoteEnde =" dNoteEnde) (if (< Event.Time dNoteEnde) ; Overlap ? (do ; Yes (= lDur (+ Note.Dur (- Event.Time dTime))) ; adjust length (= dNoteEnde (+ dTime lDur)) ; adjust too ;;; (pause wNoteNumber "New length =" lDur) (delete) (++ DeletedNotes) ) ; end do (do ; Else No Overlap (insert dTime wChan NOTE Note.Key wVel lDur) ; restore prev Note (-- DeletedNotes) ;;; (pause wNoteNumber ".. Note " Event.Time Note.Dur) (= dTime Event.Time) ; New set of Note properties (= wChan Event.Chan) (= wKey Note.Key) (= wVel Note.Vel) (= lDur Note.Dur) (= dNoteEnde (+ dTime lDur)) (delete) (++ DeletedNotes) ) ; end do ) ; end if ;;; (pause DeletedNotes "Notes Deleted") ) ; end do (do ; else if (!= wNoteNumber 1) ;;; (pause wNoteNumber ". Note " Event.Time Note.Dur) (= dTime Event.Time) ; Save Note properties for first Note (= wChan Event.Chan) (= wKey Note.Key) (= wVel Note.Vel) (= lDur Note.Dur) (= dNoteEnde (+ dTime lDur)) (delete) (++ DeletedNotes) ) ; end do ) ; end if (!= wNoteNumber 1) ) ; end do NIL ; Not a Note or note this Key ) ; end if (&& (== Event.Kind NOTE)...) ) ; end forEachEvent ;; (pause wNoteNumber " in Track " CurrentKey) (if (!= wNoteNumber 0) (do (insert dTime wChan NOTE CurrentKey wVel lDur) ; restore prev Note (-- DeletedNotes) ) ) (++ CurrentKey) ) ; end do ) ; end while (pause DeletedNotes " doubled/overlapping notes (net) deleted.") ) )

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