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MMD > Archives > January 2000 > Contents of Digest 2000.01.27Prev  Next

01 The Fourneaux Pianista Hans van Oost
02 Obsolete Article Obsolete Article 1576
03 New FOPS Book: "On Display" Nancy Fratti
04 Terry Hathaway CD's of Auto Music Instruments Ron Schmuck
05 Prices Paid for Hupfeld Phonoliszt-Violina D. L. Bullock
06 Obsolete Article Obsolete Article 1576
07 Music Lovers Are a Rare Breed Jim Canavan
08 Music Lovers Are a Rare Breed Tom Lear
09 Kimball Organ in Wichita Falls TX Darren Willard
10 Seek Pianist John La Montaine Bruce Clark
11 Seek MIDI File: "Sailing, Sailing" Gerry Bay
12 Seek Player Tech in San Francisco George Husson
13 Dynavoice "Confidential" Service Manual Ed Sprankle
14 External Pump for Dynavoice Tom Lear
15 Pianocorder Vorsetzer Repairs Dave Brown
16 Source of Rolmonica Gaskets D. L. Bullock
17 Source of Blotter Paper for Valve Gaskets D. L. Bullock
18 Aeolian 116-note Low Pressure Organ Valves Richard Vance
19 Aeolian 116-note Low Pressure Organ Valves Bob Taylor
20 Philipps Duca Dynamic Recording Piano Dan Wilson, London
21 Welte-Mignon T-100 Recording System Mark Reinhart
22 Welte Mercury Trough Recording Piano Tom Lear
23 Welte Mercury Trough Recording Piano Jon Page
24 Welte Mercury Trough Recording Piano Craig Brougher
25 The Mercury Delay Line Mark Kinsler
26 Tempola Music Rolls Step Recording Piano Andy Taylor
27 Recording 'Hand-Played' Music Rolls Douglas Henderson

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